Substitute Preachers

Find a pulpit supply preacher available in your area.

Missouri Mid-South Offers Pulpit Supply Preachers

To help you find a substitute available to preach for a Sunday or two, please reference the lists organized by Association. (Some pulpit supply preachers are available to serve in more than one Association.)

We believe the listed individuals are all capable preachers, but keep in mind not all are authorized to perform the sacraments (for example, some are Members in Discernment or lay ministers).

Because pastors on this list represent a wide variety of theological perspectives and preaching styles, you may want to discuss expectations with candidates before inviting them to preach at your church.

If your church needs a preacher to cover for longer than one or two Sundays, email Associate Conference Minister Rev. Damien Lake.

If you are a minister interested in becoming a pulpit supply preacher, please complete the application form and email it to Associate Conference Minister Rev. Damien Lake.

If you are a pulpit supply preacher, please help keep your contact information current. If  any information changes or you become unavailable and need to be removed from the list, email Conference Office Manager Kathleen Rainey.

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