St. Louis Association Pulpit Supply

Find a substitute preacher in the St. Louis Association.

St. Louis Association

The St. Louis Association Committee on Ministry maintains the following list of available preachers:

2905 Hilldale
Brentwood, MO 63144
(314) 503-2240

Retired UCC Authorized Minister

Available within a 75-mile radius of Eden Seminary.
UCC Ordained 1976. Boundary Training 10/2015.

“I want to help congregations where the settled pastor is temporarily absent, meet friends I haven’t met yet, and practice my profession, at least some.”

1119 Wildey Way
Washington, MO 63090
(314) 308-4503

UCC Authorized Minister

“I love preaching and feel it is one of my strengths of ministry. I do not have much chance to preach as part of my current position as Vice President for Institutional Advancement for Eden Seminary nor in my previous position as Team Leader in the National United Church of Christ for ministries of disaster, refugees, sustainable development, and domestic volunteer ministries. I look forward to sharing with congregations in their preaching ministries. Preaching is proclaiming who God is. It is weaving stories of faith so all can see themselves as part of God’s story. Preaching is a call to action as participants in God’s redeeming love.”

7343 S. Yorkshire Drive
St. Louis, MO 63123
(440) 371-1885 cell
(314) 270-8528 other

Retired UCC St. Louis Association Minister

Available in the St. Louis Association.
Boundary Awareness Training 2023 and Racial Justice and Equity Training 2023

“I thoroughly enjoy preaching and believe one of my strengths is connecting Scriptural affirmations with the challenges and celebrations of daily life, both on a personal and a social level. I have had very positive experiences with regard to substitute preaching (and the sharing of Children’s Moments) in the past, which have resulted in invitations to return to various churches.”

2432 Whitshire Drive
St. Louis, MO 63129
(314) 435-2304

Retired UCC St. Louis Association Minister

Available in the St. Louis Metro Area.
Boundary Training 2024

“I enjoy worshiping in other UCC churches and getting to experience these churches as part of the wider church connection.”

1944 Higbee Ave.
Memphis, TN 38104
(901) 489-8697 cell 
(901) 334-5851 work

Retired Seminary Professor of Preaching and Worship
Boundary Training 10/2019 – Memphis, Tenn.

“I have much knowledge and affection for preaching, but very few opportunities to share those gifts with the church. I want to be available to churches that need a preacher.”

3400A Cherokee St.
St. Louis, MO 63118
(419) 961-3164

Member in Discernment and Seminary Graduate

Approved for ordination pending call.

Available in the St. Louis Association.

(636) 515-5397

UCC St. Louis Assocation Minister

“I am seeking a call at this moment, so my time on Sunday is flexible. I would like to preach in the churches to share the God’s words with different congregations and people. It is important to approach biblical interpretation by taking both the scriptures and today’s context into consideration. I attempt to build a bridge between the message of the scripture and the people to whom I am speaking who live in different cultures and traditions. When we hear God still speaking to us, the preacher’s task is to facilitate the encounter of the scripture with real human issues to produce a dialogue, enable faith and deeds to come together under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and understand God’s revelation for us through the message of the scripture.”

3251 Geyer Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63104
(314) 255-5598

Available within 30 minutes of downtown St. Louis, Mo.

“I am between calls and would like to continue preaching. In my time at Westminister Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, Mo., we had a close working relationship with Pilgrim Congregational UCC, St. Louis, Mo. I am a graduate of Eden Theological Seminary.”

705 Stewart St.
DeSoto, MO 63020
(314) 630-6332 cell
(636) 337-0711 home

UCC St. Louis Association Minister

“I enjoy leading worship and preaching occasionally at my home church and in other churches as this is not part of my weekly ministry setting. I also enjoy the opportunity of worshiping in other UCC churches and getting to know people in these churches as part of the wider church connection.”

1514 South First St
Kirksville, MO 63501
(573) 554-0664


Seminary Student, willing to pulpit supply in the Eastern and St. Louis Associations of the MMSC.

1275 Swan Drive
Florissant, MO, 63031
(314) 324-3061 cell
(314) 395-4655 office

UCC St. Louis Association Minister

Available in the St. Louis metro area.
Boundary Training 2017.

“I love to lead worship and preach. I find being in the worship leadership role one that is nurturing not only for the gathered community but for myself as well. By doing substitute preaching, I am able to utilize those gifts that my current position at Deaconess does not use.”

5329 Lode Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63123
(314) 363-8908

Retired UCC St. Louis Association Minister

“Meeting new people and congregations is always a pleasure for me and gives me a way to continue to serve the church.”

8730 Covington Court
St. Louis, MO 63319
(314) 495-8015


Available in the St. Louis area.

3309 LeChateaux Drive
St. Charles, MO 63301
(636) 399-1052

UCC St. Louis Association Minister

Available within 75 miles of St. Charles, Mo.

“I want to help clergy who need supply while they are away, help churches who may need pulpit supply while they look for an interim/called pastor, and respond to my call to reach out with the good news. I enjoy leading worship and preaching occasionally at my home church and in other churches as this is not part of my weekly ministry setting. I also enjoy the opportunity of worshiping in other UCC churches and getting to know people in these churches as part of the wider church connection.”

4616 Misty Trail Lane
St. Louis, MO 63128
(314) 698-9368 cell
(314) 257-8712

UCC St. Louis Association Minister

Available to UCC congregations (especially ONA) within 45-minute drive of St. Louis.

“I have always enjoyed preaching, so it is a way to supplement my income. Additionally, it gives me an opportunity to experience more of our churches, which I have been limited in the past due to full-time work.”

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