Welcome to the Missouri Mid-South Conference

We are the United Church of Christ in Missouri, Arkansas, and Memphis, Tenn. United in Christ and led by the Holy Spirit, we support and empower one another in our unifying call to embody God’s love and mercy for all.

Embodying God’s Love and Mercy for All

As a covenanted community of United Church of Christ congregations across Missouri, Arkansas, and Memphis, Tenn., the Missouri Mid-South Conference welcomes you. Together, our churches offer one another mutual support and share in ministry in and beyond our geographical area. We focus on creating community, empowering congregations, pursuing justice and equity, and visioning the future of the church and God’s world.

In 2021, our delegates adopted a Unifying Call to Core Ministries – kind of like a mission statement – that clarifies our purpose and directs our focus as a Conference.

We are the United Church of Christ in Arkansas, Memphis, and Missouri. United by Christ and led by the Holy Spirit, we support and empower one another in our unifying call to embody God’s love and mercy for all.

Four Core Ministries help us answer this call:

  • Creating Community
  • Empowering Congregations
  • Pursuing Justice and Equity
  • Visioning the Future

These Core Ministries are our guiding principles as we seek to discern the Spirit’s movement and serve faithfully together. In responding to the needs of our churches and our world, everything we do comes back to these four touchstones.

Boundary Awareness Training

Healthy Boundaries Training March 27 @ 9:00 am – 1:00 pm EDT The Southeast Conference will be offering a Healthy Boundaries Training on March 27th from 9am-1pm Eastern/8am-12pm Central on Zoom. In the Southeast Conference all authorized ministers who do not hold exempt status […]

Boundary Awareness Training

Columbia UCC, Columbia, MO 3201 Interstate 70 Dr. N.W., Columbia, Missouri

Register Here

Western Association Spring Gathering

312 SW 19th Terrace 312 SW 19th Terrace, Blue Springs, United States

Western Association Spring Gathering Gather with church members of the Western Association for a day of outside work, worship, fellowship, and food! *Opening worship at 10:00 a.m. will feature the Bethel UCC Jazz Ensemble. *Representatives from the UCC Pension Boards […]

Good Friday Service, Christ The King UCC, Florissant

Christ The King UCC 11370 Old Halls Ferry Road, Florissant, MO, United States

View Flyer Here   All are invited to join in our join worship service!   Christ The King UCC Glory to Glory UCC Pilgrim Congregational UCC St. John’s UCC Union Ave Christian Church  

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