Trivia Night 6:15 p.m. (Doors Open) 7 p.m. (Trivia Begins) Each church is encouraged to gather a table of eight to participate and help raise funds for the Association and its mission partners.
The Western Association invites all MMSC churches/members to save the date for joining their Spring Gathering. Location, timing, and theme to be determined. Watch for details and registration information as the date nears.
Retired clergy and spouses are invited to gather for fellowship, share joys and challenges of retirement, and explore desires for future gatherings in person or via Zoom. Per person cost includes lunch of fresh fruit, salad, and soup bar.
In person and via Zoom. For Zoom information, contact Rev. Laura Mignerone, Eastern Association Moderator.
Retired clergy and guests (spouse, partner, friend) are invited to gather for fun, fellowship, and food. Per person cost includes lunch. RSVP to Karen Eck by email or phone/text at (720) 351-2319.
Continental breakfast and displays at 8:30 a.m. with meeting starting at 9 a.m. Clergy and Delegates: Register to Attend
"The Importance of Covenant in Our Life Together" Rev. Dr. Jane Fisler Hoffman REGISTRATION CLOSED
Must attend in person to vote. Accessibility via Facebook livestream is "voice without vote" participation by calling or texting one of the following: Laura Mignerone 314-452-0785 Tom Baynham 804-614-7461 Diane Brennan 636-699-6763 NO REGISTRATION NEEDED
A weekly focus on six Psalms of Ascent from A Long Obedience in the Same Direction by Eugene Peterson. Book not required. All MMSC retired clergy, spouses, and friends welcome. For Zoom Link, Meeting ID, and Passcode, send RSVP email