Sausage Dinner, St. John UCC, St. Charles

St. John UCC, St. Charles, MO 405 S. Fifth St., St Charles, MO, United States

Tickets are $13 (adult), $5 (ages 6-12), ages 5 & under are free.   Quilt raffle and 50/50 tickets will also be available to benefit the Youth Mission Trip and Men's Retreat.

Concert Series, St. John UCC, St. Charles

St. John UCC, St. Charles, MO 405 S. Fifth St., St Charles, MO, United States

Everyone is invited to a free organ concert at 3pm on Sunday September 29, featuring Connor Scott the Director of Music at Christ Church Cathedral and Assistant Professor of Music at Lindenwood.

Clothing Drive for Shannondale

St. John UCC, St. Charles, MO 405 S. Fifth St., St Charles, MO, United States

Donations for the Shannondale thrift store will be accepted at St. John UCC in St. Charles the week of September 15th. Sunday 9am-12pm Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 9am-4pm Thursday 9am-7pm Friday 9am-12pm   VOLUNTEERS are NEEDED both women and men. […]

Summer Performing Arts Camp, St. John UCC, St. Charles, MO

St. John UCC, St. Charles, MO 405 S. Fifth St., St Charles, MO, United States

Production: "Mean Girls Jr." with Show Dates July 19-21 For Students in Grades 6-12 Audition registration or find more information online.


Performing Arts Camp Auditions, St. John UCC, St. Charles, MO

St. John UCC, St. Charles, MO 405 S. Fifth St., St Charles, MO, United States

Students in grades 6-12 are invited to audition for a summer production of "Mean Girls Jr." during Performing Arts Camp (PAC) show dates July 19-21. The two-week camp is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 8-19. Register to audition […]

Free Parents Day Out, St. John UCC, St. Charles, MO

St. John UCC, St. Charles, MO 405 S. Fifth St., St Charles, MO, United States

Free Parents Day Out and Gift Making Workshop The church is offering a fun and safe time for kids, which will include gift-making activities, while their adults rest and revive or tend to holiday preparations.

Volunteer Training for St. Charles County Overnight Warming Shelter, St. John UCC

St. John UCC, St. Charles, MO 405 S. Fifth St., St Charles, MO, United States

As a site for the St. Charles County Free Warming Center Response, which provides safe sleeping accommodations for the night when temperatures are predicted to be 20 degrees or below overnight, the church is looking for volunteers to complete the […]

Christmas Cantata, St. John UCC, St. Charles, MO

St. John UCC, St. Charles, MO 405 S. Fifth St., St Charles, MO, United States

"Darkness into Light," a Christmas cantata by Mary McDonald Presented by St. John UCC Chancel Choir and Orchestra

Fair Trade Market, St. John UCC, St. Charles, MO

St. John UCC, St. Charles, MO 405 S. Fifth St., St Charles, MO, United States

Enjoy holiday shopping of fair trade market goods, in partnership with The Bridge Coffee House, in the New Fellowship Hall.