Shannondale UCC, the Community Center, and its Outdoor Ministries were in transition with new staff, following the departure of Executive Director Nathan Fulk this past fall.

The transition has been smooth with the arrival of Acting Executive Director Glenn Svetnicka, whose contract will extend into 2023.

Glenn is a seasoned UCC Outdoor Ministries professional, with more than 20 years experience as the Executive Director of UCC camps in Wisconsin. He has been on site most of the time, overseeing the winterizing and maintenance work, helping to continue Sunday worship and support the congregation, and assessing site improvement needs.

His wife, Tiffany Svetnicka, serving (remotely, from Wisconsin) as part-time Acting Office Manager, has been supporting the retreat business with online registration. She is equally experienced in Outdoor Ministries, and “we are fortunate to have such skilled Outdoor Ministry professionals to help us through this transition,” says Rev. Mary W. Nelson, MMSC Transitional Conference Minister.

Rev. Nelson adds, “We are grateful that both Glenn and Tiffany could extend their stay with us into 2023, giving us some time to regroup, reconsider our staffing structure, and conduct our future search for a new Director.”

Before the arrival of the Svetnickas in October 2022, Shannondale received immediate onsite support from Camp MoVal Site Manager Kevin Zimmer and longtime volunteer Myron Ury.

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