Guest Preacher for this Service of Installation is: Rev. David Poe, Pastor, St. Martin United Church of Christ, High Ridge
We invite clergy to arrive by 2:30pm, participate in the processional, and wear a stole of red. Clergy should gather in the bride’s room located downstairs. Guides will be present to help find the room.
The offering is designated for the St. Louis Association’s Member in Discernment Scholarship Fund, which assists persons who are preparing for authorized ministry (ordained or lay ministerial) in and on behalf of the United Church of Christ. Checks should be made payable to the St. Louis Association.
Please RSVP for the service and the dinner to follow by emailing [email protected] by November 24.
The son and grandson of ministers, Rev. Hill recently celebrated 24 years as a pastor of churches in Missouri and Connecticut. He is a graduate of William Jewell College and Central Baptist Theological Seminary, with additional graduate studies at the University of Missouri, St. Louis, and Yale Divinity School. Rev. Hill’s ministry has focused on faith community formation and included service in various denominational roles and with many community organizations. He has completed the Privilege of Call journey during this past year, following his call to serve at St. Luke’s UCC in 2023. James, his wife, Tara, and their son, Isaiah, live active lives in south St. Louis County.