Conference Annual Gathering 2024

What You Need to Know

Oct. 18-19, 2024

CAG will be taking place online this year. Please register for each event you will be attending. More information to follow.


You must register for each event you will attend. Please follow each link separately. 

  • Pre CAG Events:
    • Bylaw Town Hall
    • Budget Town Hall
  • CAG Events:

Conference Annual Gathering begins Friday morning with Opening Worship and concludes Saturday afternoon with Closing Worship.

Daily schedules are as follows:

(With some details still in progress, we will post any updates as they become available.)

  • Bylaws Town Hall
    • Registration Coming Soon
  • Budget Town Hall
    • Registration Coming Soon

  • Boundary Awareness Training
    • Registration Coming Soon

Keynote Speaker: Rev. Bethany Johnson-Javois

Rev. Bethany Johnson-Javois, MSW (she/her) is a prominent health and racial justice advocate in the Greater St. Louis region and Southern Illinois. She currently serves as the President and CEO of Deaconess Foundation and is the pastor of Monument of Faith Church, Inc.

Bethany has received numerous accolades for her community service and leadership, including the Silver Bell Award from Mental Health America of Eastern Missouri and the Access to Equal Justice Award from Washington University. Her work with the Ferguson Commission involved addressing the root causes of community unrest following Michael Brown’s death, resulting in a comprehensive report with 189 calls to action aimed at fostering healing and change.

2024 Business Meeting Agenda

Standing Rules

2023 Fall Meeting Minutes

MMSC Board of Directors

Bylaw Redline

Bylaw Final


MMSC 2025 Budget for CAG

Background: 2024 YTD Income Statement

Background: 2024 Asset Balances (Investments)

Additional Reports to CAG, not subject to vote:

Discernment Committee Report

Older Adults Ministry Working Group Report

Empowering Congregations Core Ministry Team Report

Pursuing Justice and Equity Core Ministry Team Report

Creating Community Core Ministry Team Report

Visioning The Future Core Ministry Team Report

Outdoor Ministries Report

Transitional Conference Minister’s Report

Personnel Committee Report




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